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Connect: Cricket Focus on Herbie

Dan Metcalf

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After another good win for Herbrandston last Saturday as they beat Lamphey by nine wickets, a win that puts them twelve points behind top of the table Burton, we caught up with their skipper Rob Hood. 

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us Rob I'm sure you're feeling good after another good win Saturday Rob, how is the mood in the team after a great start to the season?

Yeah another excellent win on Saturday the mood in the club is on a high but we take every game as it comes.

With a mixture of youth and experience do you feel you got a great mix at the club ?

It's nice to see the young boys coming through and also very handy to have old heads in the team with there years of experience to make my job a bit easier.

The clubhouse is great now in Herbie, how important is it for the club?

The clubhouse is thriving to be honest, can't ask for much better.

You’ve been skipper a while now, how do you find it?

When I took the roll of captain I thought it would of been tough but it seems to be working out well it's good to have the boys playing well it makes life a lot easier

Promotion must be the aim? But do you have any other targets for this season?

Promotion is a bonus in my eyes it's still along way to go yet anything could happen but it is my intention to get to division 1 and to see more youngsters in the firsts like they say when you play against better players it's makes you a better player.

Finally, what’s been your proudest moment as skipper so far?

My proudest moment this year has been taken on the roll as skipper alongside my cousin as vice captain Dean John.

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