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Connect: Cricket - Morgan Scale joins us to discuss Burton's recent success

Dan Metcalf

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Burton Cricket Club and the Scale family go together like fish and chips, we caught up with Morgan Scale to discuss the clubs current success and the buzz around the club. 

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us Morgan. You must be delighted with how the season is going so far?

Yeah it’s nice to be playing well and being involved in some good cricket, it keeps everyone within the club keen to play.

With the club having ground improvements and both teams flying, the club seems to be in a really good place would you agree?

We’ve got a good age range of players and lots of people are helping with the running and upkeep of the club, which is great to see. As a club it would be great to get more juniors coming through and hopefully this is something we can work on moving forward.

Would you say having a core of players between 18-35 is playing a huge role in the clubs success?
Taking nothing away from the older players of course, as we firmly believe Johnny Scale will trouble batsmen forever!

Yes I think the age range helps, the fielding is generally good and it’s creating competition within the 2 teams.

With your family a huge part of the club how much does the club mean to you?

I’ve been very lucky to have played senior cricket for 20 years, I’ve played a lot with my dad and uncle which has been a real privilege. I’ve also had the chance to play with some real Burton legends like Steve Jones and Richard Hayman. My whole family has played for Burton and now my kids are starting to play, it’s just great for us and great for the community.

What are the goals for this season obviously you sit top of the league, but give us your targets!

We obviously want to perform well and be a very competitive team, but it’s also important to create a good environment as this keeps the club in a strong place and I feel if we can do that then results will follow.

Lastly, despite being relegated last season there is an argument with the addition of Joe Kiff you are stronger than last season, would you agree?

Joe Kiff has been excellent with the bat, he’s friendly with all the boys and hits the ball a long way. Nick Jones has also been great for us and I think both of these players have made an impact. But keeping the core group of players is still the key to any club and I think we’ve managed to do that over the past few seasons


Thanks for your time Morgan and good luck to yourself and both teams for the rest of the season!

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